Do It Today

do it today

Darius Foroux’s Do It Today is a concise and straightforward self-help book that aims to help readers overcome procrastination, boost productivity, and accomplish meaningful goals in their lives. Drawing from his personal experiences and knowledge as a productivity coach, Foroux presents actionable strategies and insights that empower readers to make lasting changes in their habits and mindset.

Content and Structure

The book is divided into three main sections: “Overcome Procrastination,” “Improve Productivity,” and “Achieve Meaningful Goals.” Each section is packed with practical advice, real-life examples, and step-by-step techniques designed to help readers take immediate action towards their personal and professional goals.

Foroux’s writing style is clear and accessible, making the book easy to read and digest. He avoids jargon and keeps his advice straightforward, which makes the book suitable for a wide audience, from students and professionals to entrepreneurs and anyone struggling with procrastination. Each chapter is relatively short, often only a few pages long, which allows readers to quickly grasp the main points and apply them to their own lives without feeling overwhelmed.

Key Themes and Insights

  1. Overcoming Procrastination: A significant portion of Do It Today is dedicated to addressing the root causes of procrastination. Foroux emphasizes that procrastination is not just about being lazy or lacking discipline; it often stems from fear, perfectionism, and a lack of clarity about what one truly wants to achieve. He provides strategies for identifying these underlying fears and offers techniques to confront and overcome them. By breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps and focusing on progress rather than perfection, Foroux encourages readers to take the first step towards overcoming procrastination.
  2. Improving Productivity: Foroux moves beyond traditional productivity hacks and delves into the psychology of why we work the way we do. He discusses the importance of understanding one’s own work patterns and rhythms, advocating for personalized productivity techniques that align with an individual’s lifestyle and goals. The book covers various methods such as time blocking, prioritization, and the use of routines to maximize focus and efficiency. Foroux also highlights the value of rest and recovery, arguing that true productivity is not about working harder but about working smarter and ensuring a balanced approach to work and life.
  3. Achieving Meaningful Goals: In the final section of the book, Foroux shifts the focus to the importance of setting and achieving meaningful goals. He argues that productivity should not be an end in itself but a means to achieving what truly matters in life. Foroux encourages readers to reflect on their values, passions, and long-term aspirations to set goals that are both challenging and fulfilling. By aligning daily actions with these goals, readers can find greater motivation and purpose in their work.

Strengths and Impact

One of the strengths of Do It Today is its practical approach. Foroux provides actionable steps at the end of each chapter, making it easy for readers to implement the advice immediately. The book’s structure, with its short chapters and clear, focused content, allows readers to quickly find solutions to specific problems they may be facing in their daily lives. Foroux’s tone is motivational yet realistic, acknowledging the challenges of changing ingrained habits while providing the tools to do so.

Another strength is the book’s emphasis on self-awareness and introspection. Foroux encourages readers to understand their motivations and habits deeply, rather than simply adopting a one-size-fits-all approach to productivity. This focus on self-reflection makes the book not just a guide to getting more done but also a manual for personal growth and self-improvement.


Overall, Do It Today by Darius Foroux is a valuable resource for anyone looking to break free from procrastination, enhance productivity, and pursue meaningful goals. Its practical advice, clear writing, and motivational tone make it an effective guide for readers at any stage of their personal and professional development journey. By focusing on actionable steps and fostering self-awareness, Foroux provides a roadmap for achieving more of what truly matters today and every day.

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