‘From Tech Innovator to Mythic Storyteller: Sundar Nathan Introduces ‘Demons and Their Gods’


Mumbai, July ‘24 – Sundar Nathan, a former Silicon Valley engineer and an accomplished entrepreneur, recently launched his novel titled ‘Demons and Their Gods’ marking the latest addition to his aspirational nine-book series – The Naraka Cycle, transferring the readers into a world where celestials, hybrids, and demons coexist in a delicate balance.

Demons and Their Gods follows Ravan, a young Asuran prince, as he recovers from a brutal battle with a monstrous creature. Under the aegis of his secret teacher, Ravan navigates the strained dynamics of his family, torn between his protective mother, Queen Kaikesi, and his war-driven father, King Vishrav. 

The narrative becomes more intense with Ravan’s sister, Surpanakha and her friend Harsha launching a risky journey into the Aranya jungle. In Demons and Their Gods, Vaasuki (who is a Naga hybrid) accompanies Ravan into the Aranya to meet their secret teacher. There, the Underground (a group of mercenaries who are rebelling against Indra and also the Narakan kingdoms) meet with Ravan, Vaasuki and the secret Teacher. Ravan negotiates with them and enlists their help in rescuing Surpanakha and her beau Harsha from the Aranya jungle.

Nathan’s brilliance mindfully blurs the lines between good and evil, offering a refreshing exploration of the Asuras’ motive and conduct to challenge ancient moral perspectives. The complex relationships among the characters and the emotional depth the author plumbs, make this book a must-read for those who enjoy immersing themselves in action, magic, and self-discovery.

In Demons and Their Gods, readers can explore a world full of mythological experiences, where every character is tested to their limits between their internal and external conflicts. The book essentially defines identity, power, and morality, while touching upon the thin balance between duty and desire. Nathan’s immersive storytelling skills and thoughtful attention to detail create a sensational experience for readers, allowing them to experience a world that is ancient yet relevant in modern times.

Speaking about the novel, Sundar Nathan said, “With Demons and Their Gods, I aim to educate and intrigue readers. The book is a mytho-fantasy thriller that explores timeless themes of identity, power, and morality. I aim to showcase realms filled with epic battles and deeply touching moments of personal discovery.”

Sundar Nathan’s professional journey began in Silicon Valley, where he excelled as an engineer, and product marketing leader, and turned into an entrepreneur in the software industry. Despite his successful tech career, Nathan’s passion for storytelling burned bright, ignited by the perennially inspiring tales of the Ramayana and Mahabharata shared by his grandmother Namagiri and mother Saroja. This fascination led him to write his debut novel, Ravan’s Trial, which brings ancient mythology and modern elements together to captivate readers across the world.

Currently, Nathan shares his knowledge and experience as a consultant at the University of Texas at Austin. Amidst his academic responsibilities, he crafts the upcoming pieces of The Naraka Cycle, a series that promises to dive deep into the world of demons, gods, and epic battles. 

Demons and Their Gods is now available for purchase at leading national bookstores and online retailers.

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